We’ve all been there — we’re browsing away and suddenly realize we’ve got 10, 20, 50 tabs open! With no real way to organize any of them, chances are you’ve ended up hunting through a mountain of open tabs to try and find the one you need. Well, that’s about to become a thing of the past — Google has announced a new update for Chrome, with one big addition: Tab Groups!
Now, what are tab groups? Simply put, they are labels you can assign to tabs, and keep groups of tabs in nice little sections. You can group them however you’d like, or ungroup as needed. You can even close an entire group at once! The animation below shows a quick example of how it all works.

No more getting lost in an avalanche of tabs!
Google is slowly rolling out the feature but if you want to ensure you get tab groups right away you can always grab the latest beta of the browser.