A handful of prints were announced earlier in the month. Now the full 100 Pokemon lineup is available.
Original Stitch and The Pokemon Company have unveiled the full collection of Johto fabrics for their Pokemon shirts.
The shirts allow customization of each part: the main body of the shirt, the collar, the cuffs, the shirt pocket, and even the buttons. Each fabric based element can be made up of either standard fabrics or Pokemon fabrics in any combination.

The new fabrics represent each Pokemon from the Johto region–joining the longstanding Kanto fabric–and are already proving popular. At the time of publication prints for Unown, Lanturn, Marill, Wooper, Espeon, Umbreon, and Larvitar are all sold out.
Like the previous designs, many of these new prints include knowing winks and nods to the series and the Pokemon they’re based upon. Sneasel features eggs…that it will eat. Sudowoodo is hiding out among the trees. Porygon2 evokes binary code. Elekid’s print features electrical outlets that it looks ready to plug into.
Original Stitch’s designs aren’t cheap, with shirts starting around $100 a pop, and as of now are only available in Japan, United States, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
There company is currently facing shipping delays due to COVID-19.