Yeah, I know, the “dog days” of summer aren’t for another month technically. But it’s just so hot and humid. All the more reason to stay inside! To help you stay inside, there’s some pretty neat-looking games on the horizon. First up is Ninja Simulator, which may be able to scratch your Ninja Gaiden itch, until they finally release a new one. Check it out:
Fans of Harvest Moon are in for a treat as well — a 3D remake of the Friends of Mineral Town title, now called Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, is on the way. XSEED Games, the publisher, just released this trailer:
Did you know Danny Trejo is actually a really nice guy? It’s true! He’s also very much into Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Watch below as he takes you on a guided tour of his island!
Wait, you still want to watch more videos? Fine, fine. Perhaps you’ll enjoy this new Pokemon short, which is hilariously styled after old Looney Toons cartoons of years past. It even has an homage to Looney Toons as the title card!
Speaking of Pokemon, have you ever noticed how…weird some of the Generation 1 sprites look? User @Metagaim_ on Twitter decided to draw his interpretation of Mewtwo’s original sprite, and it really brings out how gorilla-like Mewtwo originally looked. And why is he always so angry looking?
Meanwhile, a decidedly non-angry Pokemon is getting the plush treatment, with the release of a new official life-sized Psyduck plush! I’d absolutely be lying to you all and myself if I said I didn’t want it. Barring that though, I’d be willing to settle for this amazing looking Lucina figma. It’s a little pricey ($74), but totally worth it. It is in pre-order status though, and officially starts shipping March 2021. You know what else you should pre-order? This ridiculously cool Xbox One X/Cyberpunk 2077 limited bundle. It’s even $100 off right now! It’s still nearly $400 though.
Finally, some more fan art. An enterprising Reddit user (/u/nrgmix) created a massive windmill straight out of Witcher 3 in Minecraft! It’s impressive, to say the least.

And last but not least, Sakurai himself shows us how cool Byleth can be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It’s a pretty neat shot!
Now try not to get too sweaty and hot out there. It’s gonna get swampy.